Nationwide Bodyguard Protection Specialist Service

Bodyguard, Escort, & Personal Protection 

We are the leader in customized bodyguard and personal protective services.
Whether you need a team of bodyguards for a high profile event, a pair of bodyguards for around-the-clock service, escorts while you travel, or a single guard for peace of mind.

We offer both covert and high-profile protection and will tailor our service to fit all of your needs.

All of our personal protective agents are highly trained with varying backgrounds in military, law enforcement, corporate security, emergency medical service and crisis management. 

We have both male and female bodyguards, both armed and unarmed. 

Our agents are held to the highest standards of professionalism, confidentiality and integrity. 

Their only job is to keep you safe. Armed Security Body Guard Services.

Majority of our bodyguards are active and or retired law enforcement officers, federal agents, ATF, Secret Service with exceptional training and experience.

Please contact us for a free and confidential consultation to see how Nationwide Protective Security Services can meet your personal protective needs.  

We protect celebrities, movie stars, production crews and sets, sports athletes, kings, queens, the rich and famous, persons at risk.

Nationwide Protective Security Services offers additional services which integrate with personal protection including risk assessment surveys, threat awareness education, electronic countermeasures (“debugging”), security camera installation, surveillance and private investigations.

Close Protection Teams Secure Transport 

Call Nationwide BodyGuard: 1-(888)-980-9118